My girls are part of a local cheer team and are having the time of their lives... I wanted to share some pics of their team as well as their first pyramid....

I will say that as a mom, watching my 5 yr. old being lifted in a stunt was pretty nerve racking at first. That and the fact that Sydney is the one lifting Aubrey. I have to make sure that they are never upset with each other right before practice. Ya never know what could happen. I'm still nervous when they practice, but their coach is 1st rate. I guess it's all part of being a "Cheer Mom". (Okay, let me say this - I will NEVER be one of "those" cheer moms. I will just be a mom who has a kid that happens to be a cheerleader. And if anyone ever gets in the way of her dreams I will make sure they PAY!!! Hee Hee : ) 
Aren't they just the cutest things you have ever seen?