Sunday, July 27, 2008

When cousins come to visit

Well, it seems each time our Michigander cousins come to visit, we take them to the same places! Their first visit was March 2006 and then again July 2008. I'm sure there are more things to do in Texas besides Rodeos, Stockyards, and western things. We're really not helping the Texas Cowboy stereotype :)

One of our first stops was to the Mesquite Rodeo. We got to see bull riders, barrel racers, wagon races, cow tippers... (just kidding on that last one.... or am I? Have you ever seen the roping part of the rodeo?)


Then we made a trip to Downtown Fort Worth. Of course we had to go to the Stockyards. We really are creatures of habit. We went to the exact same places, so we had to take a picture on the exact same corner. Like I said, creatures of habit.

And who could forget our stops to Billy Bob's Texas? Why not take 4 little girls into a bar, right? And not only that, let's put them all on a bull! Don't worry, though...both times we went to Billy Bob's, it was during the middle of the afternoon. They didn't witness any heavy drinking or dirty dancing - except by their parents... and they see that stuff at home all the time :)

We love it when we get to show our Michigander kin folk a good time down here in good ol' Texas. Yee Haw!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Aubrey is the smartest 5 year old EVER!

Who knew! My little Aubrey is a geography expert! Her school is so awesome - They are teaching the kiddos all about the 50 states, and believe it or not, Aubrey can name all 50 states in Alphabetical order. I swear - I didn't believe it until I saw it! She is a child prodigy!

Teaching a Dog to Swim...

So, some may say it's difficult to teach a dog to swim. Our philosophy was, take her where she can't reach and see what happens! Daisy did a really good job, but she still won't venture out on her own. We'll keep trying with her and someday hopefully she'll swim out to fetch those sticks that are too far to reach. Much love and thanks to our Videographer, Aunt Sherry.

My first post!

Well, I guess it's about time I join in wth all the rest of the technology savy world and create my own blog. I will say, though, that this will be more about my kids than anything else. My hope is that as I get more comfortable with this process and remember to post, it will encourage me to take more pictures and videos of my ever growing children. Doesn't that just irritate you, how quickly kids grow up?!? I swear, it's like it was only yesterday they were babies and now - well, they will both always be my babies... and then there is the dog...

How many visitors have we had??

Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker
Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker